Other links in this category
  • Vault.com
    Career information web site, providing employee surveys of top employers, career advice, job listings, and career guides to individual industries.
  • JobHuntersBible.com
    oversees this site. He includes links on jobs, resumes, research and counseling.
  • Job Seeker News
    Free career newsletter offering tips on job hunting, resume writing, and career resources.
  • Kaleidoscopic
    Careers services and graduate opportunities for Black and Asian students, including advice, industry articles, jobs, and chat rooms.
  • Resume on Target
    Our resumes service comprises of three categories depending on the stage of your career. Each step requires a different approach and execution when preparing a compelling document. All resumes are crafted in a solutions-oriented style that focuses on demonstrating your key achievements and capacity to solve company problems – because that is what employers are looking for in great candidates. All resumes are written in my proprietary template according to Australian writing conventions. I will work on your projection and profile to present you as a candidate worthy of an interview.