Other links in this category
  • SummerJobs.com
    Features employment with camps, parks, resorts, hotels, and other seasonal business.
  • Seasonal Work Australia
    A job-search website linking, at no charge, working travellers with seasonal and casual jobs in Australia. The site also provides links to accommodation, transport and adventure tourism.
  • Chandler and Dunn Ltd
    A family farm situated between Canterbury and Sandwich in Kent, England. Fruit pickers are needed every summer to pick apples, pears, plums, and gooseberries.
  • A+ Summer Jobs
    Summer jobs for students and recent grads including career-focused internships, cruise ships, beach resorts, and Alaska fisheries.
  • Work Camping
    Work camping and job information for over 175 sites in 12 states. Jobs at campgrounds, marinas, boat ramps, and stores.