Other links in this category
  • CampHost.Org
    Information and links on becoming a paid camp host. Help for people interested in work camping jobs.
  • Iroquois Springs Camp
    Camp for boys and girls, located in Rock Hill, New York. Program includes team and individual sports, water activities, horseback riding, hiking, gymnastics, arts and crafts, and overnight camping trips.
  • Summer Camp Services
    Agency seeking instructors for summer positions at camps in the northeastern United States.
  • Lake Greeley Summer Camp Jobs
    Summer jobs in a top rated summer camp in the Poconos Mountains, Pennsylvania. Top Salary, room and board paid.
  • Camp Green Cove, Employment Overview
    Camp counselor jobs at NC mountain camp. We teach hiking, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, horseback riding, mountain biking, rock climbing, swimming, and tennis.